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Image by Quentin Grignet
Image by Nattu Adnan

About Us

Burnt Honey comes from one of our favourite sauces - a burnt honey caramel used at a café just north of Sydney. Our aim is to bring these flavours and recipes of the East Coast Aussie café scene to Somerset. Having worked & run the kitchens at some fantastic Aussie cafés on the Central Coast of New South Wales, lived, and traveled extensively, in the East Coast region, and experienced the food and coffee culture it has to offer first hand both as a chef & customer, what you get at Burnt Honey is our take on the Australian brunch idea. Our home is on the edge of Pithers Yard in the High Street of Castle Cary from 8am to 3pm every day of the week - we even open on Sundays!


Sounds good but, can you recreate the Aussie weather as well as the coffee and food?


Unfortunately not!! We're not that good! But we will do our best to bring you our idea of Aussie brunch and coffee culture.


Our aim is to be as sustainable as possible, and produce as little waste as we can. We source local produce wherever possible to reduce food miles, and, where we can, we buy single-use plastic free. We separate our waste into food waste, recycling and then as a last resort, general waste. If you have any tips for produce that can be bought with zero waste or zero plastic, please get in touch via the Contact page.

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